
在德国 - 奥地利边境,在山口上发现了尸体。德国调查当局正派遣Traunstein的年轻专职委员Ellie Stocker ,对她来说这是她职业生涯中的第一个重大挑战。但她的奥地利同行,愤世嫉俗且不那么忠诚的检查员Gedeon Winter,最初对合作兴趣不大。
In the Austrian region Steiermark, a decayed female body is found in a buried wooden box. When the victim is identified as Malica, Gedeon senses the Krampus Killer has struck again. At first, nobody shares his suspicion. But his reinvigorated eagerness convinces Ellie to pick up an unofficial investigation on their own. They find out that the Macedonian victim, Malica, has been reported missing back home.